Is Makeup Haram Or Halal: All You Need To Know

Makeup is a subject that generates diverse opinions and debates within the Islamic community. While some argue that makeup is permissible (halal), others argue that it is prohibited (haram) based on their interpretation of Islamic teachings. In this article, we will explore the various perspectives surrounding the topic of makeup in Islam and provide a comprehensive discussion.

Is Makeup Haram or Halal?

The question of whether makeup is halal or haram is subjective and depends on the interpretation of Islamic teachings. Some scholars believe that light makeup, which enhances one’s natural features without excessive exaggeration, is permissible within the bounds of Islam. They argue that as long as it does not lead to deception or immodesty, makeup can be considered halal.

On the other hand, opponents of makeup argue that it is haram due to the potential for deception, alteration of natural appearance, and wastefulness. They believe that wearing makeup contradicts the Islamic principle of modesty and encourages vanity, leading to a negative impact on society.

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Quran Verse or Hadith Referring to Is Makeup Halal or Haram

The Quran and Hadith (the sayings and actions of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him) are essential sources for understanding what is permissible and forbidden in Islam. While there is no explicit mention of makeup in the Quran, some scholars cite verses that emphasize the importance of modesty and not altering one’s natural appearance excessively.

One such verse is found in Surah Al-Nur (24:31), which encourages both men and women to lower their gazes and guard their private parts. Some scholars interpret this verse to include avoiding excessive adornment and altering one’s natural appearance through heavy makeup.

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Is Eyeliner Haram?

The usage of eyeliner has been a topic of discussion among scholars. Considering that eyeliner is often used to enhance the eyes’ beauty, opinions vary. Some scholars argue that wearing eyeliner is permissible as long as it is used moderately and does not lead to immodesty or deception.

Others believe that using eyeliner is not in line with Islamic teachings, as it alters the natural appearance of the eyes and can lead to temptation or vanity. Ultimately, it is important for individuals to consider various perspectives and make informed decisions based on their own understanding.

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Is Lipstick Haram?

Similar to the discussion on eyeliner, the permissibility of lipstick usage can be a matter of debate. While some scholars consider wearing lipstick to be permissible as long as it does not cross the boundaries of modesty and does not lead to deception, others argue that it should be avoided altogether.

Those who oppose lipstick usage believe that it brings attention to the lips, which can be seen as immodest. Additionally, they argue that lipstick alters one’s natural appearance and may lead to vanity or pride, qualities discouraged in Islam. It is important to note that opinions can differ, and individuals should consider their own understanding and interpretations.

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Is Being a Makeup Artist Haram?

The profession of a makeup artist falls under scrutiny within the Islamic community due to the nature of their work. Some scholars consider it permissible, arguing that makeup artists are merely enhancing their clients’ natural features in a modest manner. They believe that as long as the work does not involve haram activities, such as using haram ingredients or promoting immodesty, it can be considered halal.

However, other scholars argue that being a makeup artist can be problematic based on the principle of avoiding occupations that may contribute to haram activities. They believe that certain makeup techniques or styles may encourage immodesty, deception, or other unethical practices. It is recommended for makeup artists to consider these differing opinions and make informed decisions.

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Is Semi-Permanent Makeup Haram?

Semi-permanent makeup refers to a technique that uses pigments to enhance certain features, such as eyebrows or lips, for an extended period. Opinions among scholars vary regarding the permissibility of semi-permanent makeup. Some argue that since the pigment is applied beneath the skin and not easily removable, it contradicts the principle of avoiding permanent alterations to the body, making it haram.

However, others maintain that as long as the purpose of semi-permanent makeup is to enhance natural features modestly, it can be considered permissible. They emphasize that it should not lead to deception or excessive adornment, aligning with the principle of modesty in Islam.

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Is Permanent Makeup Haram?

Permanent makeup, also known as cosmetic tattooing, involves the application of permanent pigments to create long-lasting makeup effects. Similar to semi-permanent makeup, opinions regarding permanent makeup differ amongst scholars. Those against permanent makeup argue that it contradicts the Islamic principle of avoiding permanent alterations to the body.

On the other hand, some scholars argue that permanent makeup can be permissible if its purpose is to address a specific need, such as reconstructive or restorative purposes. However, such cases would require careful consideration and consultation with knowledgeable individuals and scholars for a comprehensive understanding.

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Is Powder Brows Haram?

Powder brows, also known as ombre brows, is a cosmetic tattooing technique that gives a soft shaded effect to the eyebrows. Similar to other forms of permanent makeup, opinions on the permissibility of powder brows vary. Some scholars argue that it is permissible as long as it is done modestly and does not lead to excessive adornment or deception.

However, other scholars may have reservations about powder brows, considering it a form of permanent alteration to the natural appearance of the eyebrows. They believe that such alterations go against the principle of avoiding permanent changes to one’s body. Individuals interested in powder brows should consider these differing opinions and seek guidance from knowledgeable sources.

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Is Selling Makeup Haram?

The act of selling makeup in itself is generally considered permissible in Islam. Islamic scholars agree that selling halal products, including makeup, is an acceptable means of earning a livelihood. However, there are certain conditions that need to be met to ensure permissibility.

Firstly, the makeup being sold should not contain any haram ingredients, such as alcohol or animal-derived substances not slaughtered properly. Additionally, the marketing and promotion of makeup should not encourage immodesty or deceptive practices. It is important for sellers to be aware of the ingredients and the ethics of the products they are selling to ensure their compliance with Islamic principles.

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Is Permanent Lip Color Haram?

Permanent lip color, also known as lip tattooing, involves the application of permanent pigments to enhance the appearance of the lips. Scholars have different opinions regarding the permissibility of permanent lip color. Some argue that it is similar to other forms of permanent makeup and falls under the same considerations.

Opponents of permanent lip color argue that altering the natural appearance of the lips permanently contradicts the Islamic principle of avoiding permanent changes to the body. However, those who consider it permissible may argue that it can serve as a solution for individuals with certain conditions or needs, such as hair loss or scars on the lips. It is important for individuals to carefully consider these perspectives and seek guidance accordingly.

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Is Makeup Halal or Haram According to Different Schools of Thought?

According to the four main schools of thought in Sunni Islam (Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi’i, and Hanbali). The opinions regarding the permissibility of makeup may vary. Here is a brief overview of their viewpoints:

  • Hanafi School of Thought: The Hanafi school generally takes a more lenient approach toward the permissibility of makeup. They emphasize the importance of moderation and avoiding excessive adornment. According to Hanafi scholars, wearing makeup is acceptable as long as it does not cross the boundaries of modesty and does not lead to deception or immodesty.
  • Maliki School of Thought: The Maliki school also allows the usage of makeup, considering it permissible as long as it is within the limits of modesty and does not lead to deception or immodesty. However, they caution against excessive usage and emphasize the importance of maintaining one’s natural appearance.
  • Shafi’i School of Thought: The Shafi’i school generally follows a moderate stance regarding makeup. They permit the usage of light and natural makeup that enhances one’s features modestly. However, they discourage excessive adornment or makeup styles that may lead to deception or immodesty.
  • Hanbali School of Thought: The Hanbali school adopts a somewhat stricter stance on makeup. They consider makeup permissible if it is used within the limits of modesty and is not excessive. However, they caution against altering one’s natural appearance drastically and emphasize the importance of adhering to the principles of modesty in Islam.

The Role of Certification in Determining Makeup Halal or Haram

Certification and labeling play a crucial role in determining the halal or haram status of makeup products. Halal certification organizations and regulatory bodies assess cosmetic products to ensure they comply with Islamic requirements. These certifications verify that the makeup does not contain haram ingredients. Is ethically sourced, and adheres to Islamic standards of modesty.

Consumers are encouraged to look for reputable halal certifications when purchasing makeup products to ensure compliance with Islamic principles. However, it is important to note that halal certification is not mandatory. And individuals can also exercise caution and research the ingredients and production processes of makeup products to make informed choices.


Q: Does wearing makeup contradict the principles of modesty in Islam?

A: Opinion varies among scholars. While some argue that moderate, modest makeup is permissible. Others believe it contradicts modesty principles due to its potential for deception or vanity.

Q: Does permanent makeup alter the natural appearance, making it haram?

A: Scholars have different opinions on permanent makeup. Some consider it permissible if it serves a specific need. While others oppose it due to its permanent alteration of the body.

Q: What ingredients in makeup should I watch out for to ensure its compliance with Islamic principles?

A: Certain cosmetics may contain haram ingredients such as alcohol or animal-derived substances not slaughtered properly. It is important for individuals to be aware of these ingredients. And avoid using products that may go against Islamic principles. Reading labels, conducting research, and seeking guidance from reliable halal certification organizations. That can help in determining the compliance of makeup products.


The topic of whether makeup is halal or haram in Islam is a subject of interpretation and varying perspectives. While some scholars consider makeup permissible within the boundaries of modesty and moderation. Others argue that it can lead to deception, vanity, or immodesty, which contradicts Islamic teachings. It is crucial for individuals to seek knowledge, consult reputable scholars. And make informed decisions based on their own understanding and spiritual connection.

It is essential for individuals to engage in discussions and seek knowledge from reliable sources to understand the varying views. And make informed choices based on their personal beliefs and values. Remember, the understanding of Islamic rulings may differ among scholars. But the intention should always be to seek the path of righteousness. And uphold the principles of Islam in every aspect of life.

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