Is It Haram To Listen To Music While Fasting Yes/No

The question of whether it is permissible or forbidden (haram) to listen to music while fasting is a topic of much debate and discussion among Muslims. Fasting is an act of worship observed by Muslims during the holy month of Ramadan and on other specific days. It involves abstaining from food, drink, and other sensual pleasures from dawn until sunset, all while focusing on self-reflection, prayer, and devotion.

Within the Islamic faith, there are various opinions regarding music and its permissibility during fasting. Some scholars argue that listening to music is haram at all times, while others believe it depends on the context. To better understand this issue, let us explore the arguments, examine relevant Quranic verses and Hadith (sayings and actions of Prophet Muhammad), and shed light on various perspectives.

Why Is It Haram To Listen To Music While Fasting?

The discussion surrounding the permissibility of listening to music while fasting revolves around whether it breaks the fast or interferes with spiritual reflection. Those who argue that it is haram often present the following arguments:

  • Distraction from Devotion: One perspective claims that engaging in any form of entertainment, including listening to music, distracts individuals from focusing on worship and reflection during the fasting period. Fasting is a time for spiritual purification, and music may divert attention away from this central objective.
  • Indulging in Worldly Pleasures: Music is often associated with pleasure and indulgence. Fasting, on the other hand, requires Muslims to detach themselves from worldly desires and gratifications. Some argue that listening to music contradicts the spirit of self-discipline and asceticism that should be observed while fasting.
  • The Intrusion of Sinful Content: Certain types of music contain lyrics or themes that may be contrary to Islamic teachings, such as promoting immorality, substance abuse, or other sinful behaviors. It is argued that exposing oneself to such content while fasting could lead to spiritual harm and weakens the observance of this sacred act of worship.

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Quran Verses & Hadith About Is It Haram To Listen To Music While Fasting

When addressing the issue of music, the Quran does not explicitly mention its permissibility or prohibition. However, scholars have interpreted several verses and Hadith to derive insights about its status during fasting.

One of the Quranic verses frequently alluded to in this debate is Surah Al-Isra, verse 36: “Do not follow that of which you have no knowledge. Indeed, the hearing, the sight, and the heart – about all those [one] will be questioned.” From this verse, scholars argue that Muslims should be cautious about what they listen to and be mindful of the impact it may have on their hearts and faith.

Additionally, Hadith references inform the discourse on music and fasting. For instance, a Hadith narrated by Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal quotes the Prophet Muhammad as saying, “There will be among my follower’s people who will consider as permissible (halal) unlawful (haram) things such as fornication, silk, alcohol, and musical instruments,” which some scholars interpret as a prohibition against musical instruments.

Despite these interpretations, it is essential to acknowledge that different scholars may hold divergent opinions on the matter, and it is advisable to consult a qualified scholar for individual guidance.

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Quran Verses & Hadith About Is It Haram To Listen To Music While Fasting

Is It Haram To Listen To Music While Fasting Not in Ramadan?

The question of whether listening to music is haram while fasting but not in the holy month of Ramadan is also a topic for discussion. The same arguments presented earlier can be applied here as well. Some scholars hold that the prohibition of music during fasting applies to both Ramadan and other fasting days, as the objectives and principles of fasting remain consistent regardless of the time of the year.

While fasting outside Ramadan, such as on Mondays and Thursdays, the blessed days of Ashura or Arafah, or during the fasting of Prophet David (Dawud) and the Prophet Moses (Musa), it is best to err on the side of caution and refrain from listening to music to maintain a consistent approach to worship.

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Is It Haram To Listen To Music When You Are Fasting?

When an individual is fasting, whether during Ramadan or on other designated fasting days, it is generally believed that they should avoid indulging in activities that may break the spiritual focus or disrupt their worship. Consequently, refraining from listening to music while fasting is the recommended course of action by those who regard it as haram. However, opinions may vary, and individuals should seek guidance from a reliable scholar.

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Is It Haram To Listen To Music While Fasting in Ramadan?

Given the heightened devotion and emphasis placed on worship during Ramadan, the month is regarded as a time of immense spiritual significance for Muslims. As such, the question of listening to music while fasting during Ramadan holds particular weight. Some scholars argue that in line with the principles discussed earlier, it is best to avoid listening to music during this sacred month to maintain a higher level of focus on worship and spiritual reflection.

During Ramadan, Muslims strive to deepen their connection with Allah, seek forgiveness, and gain closeness to Him through increased acts of worship, including fasting, prayers, and recitation of the Quran. Engaging in activities that may distract from this spiritual pursuit, such as listening to music, is considered by some as inconsistent with the purpose and sanctity of fasting in Ramadan.

Furthermore, Ramadan presents an opportunity to develop self-discipline and restraint. As well as an appreciation for the blessings bestowed by Allah. Listening to music, particularly if it leads to excessive entertainment and pleasure-seeking. Is seen as compromising the intention of observing a fast and may trivialize the significance of this blessed month.

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Is It Haram To Listen To Music in Ramadan When Not Fasting?

Outside of fasting hours, individuals who are not fasting during Ramadan, such as those who are exempted due to valid reasons or individuals who are not of the Muslim faith, are not bound by the rules of fasting. Hence, the permissibility of listening to music during this time is not directly related to fasting.

However, it is important to remember that Ramadan is a month of heightened devotion and spiritual focus for Muslims. Out of respect for the sanctity of this month and to show consideration for those who are fasting, it is advisable to be mindful of one’s actions, including the content one chooses to engage with. Being considerate of the environment and the spiritual atmosphere prevailing during Ramadan is a praiseworthy approach.

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Proof of Is It Haram To Listen To Music While Fasting

While the opinions regarding the permissibility of listening to music while fasting may vary. Proponents of this view present various proofs to support their arguments. These include:

  • Consensus of Scholars: Some scholars argue that there is a consensus among jurists that listening to music is haram. They believe that the impermissibility of music is derived from a cumulative understanding of Quranic teachings. Hadith references, and the opinions of renowned scholars throughout history.
  • Interpretation of Existing Sources: Scholars who support the prohibition of music during fasting assert that Quranic verses and Hadith references surround the topics of self-discipline, and avoiding distractions. And seeking spiritual purity can be interpreted to establish a prohibition on listening to music during fasting.
  • Holistic Approach to Fasting: Fasting is not solely about abstaining from food and drink. It is a comprehensive act of worship that encompasses physical, mental, and spiritual aspects. Supporters of the view that music is haram while fasting argue that listening to music. Contradicts the holistic nature of fasting by diverting attention from spiritual reflection.

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1. Does listening to instrumental music break the fast?

Listening to instrumental music is subject to differing opinions among scholars. Some argue that instrumental music is permissible. As long as it does not distract from worship or contain any sinful content. However, others maintain that all forms of music are prohibited while fasting. It is advisable to consult with a knowledgeable scholar to obtain a personalized understanding.

2. Can I listen to Islamic nasheeds while fasting?

The permissibility of listening to Islamic nasheeds, which are acapella Islamic poetry, during fasting is widely accepted by scholars. Nasheeds, when devoid of musical instruments or sinful content, are seen as a means to express devotion and praise Allah. However, one should be cautious to maintain the proper intention of worship and avoid distractions while listening.

3. What if I accidentally listen to music while fasting?

Accidental exposure to music during fasting does not nullify the fast. However, it is recommended to avert one’s ears or move away from the source of the music to avoid willingly engaging in an activity that may diminish the spiritual focus of the fast.

4. How can I replace music while fasting to enhance spirituality?

To enhance spirituality while fasting, one can engage in alternative activities such as reciting the Quran. Performing voluntary prayers, engaging in the remembrance of Allah (dhikr), and seeking knowledge about the religion. And spending time in self-reflection and supplication. Engaging in acts of kindness and charity can also contribute to a deeper spiritual connection during fasting.


The permissibility of listening to music while fasting remains a subject of debate within the Islamic community. The arguments presented by proponents of the view that music is haram during fasting. Revolve around distractions from devotion indulgence in worldly pleasures, and the potential for exposure to sinful content. These arguments highlight the importance of maintaining focus and spiritual purity during the fasting period.

While there are differing opinions on this matter. It is crucial for individuals to seek guidance from knowledgeable scholars. To discern the most appropriate course of action for themselves. Islam embraces a diverse range of interpretations. And understanding the nuanced perspectives can contribute to personal growth and a deeper connection with one’s faith.

Islam encourages individuals to approach matters of faith with patience, humility. And an unwavering commitment to enhancing one’s spiritual connection with Allah. By striving to align our actions and intentions with the teachings of Islam. We can embark on a path of continuous growth and find solace in knowing what is halal and haram.

Visit our website to explore more articles discussing halal and haram practices in Islam. Seeking to provide comprehensive and accurate information to facilitate a deeper understanding of the religion.

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