Is Drawing Haram In Islam [A Quick Explanation]

In Islam, the question of whether the drawing is haram (forbidden) or halal (permissible) has been a topic of debate among scholars and believers. Drawing, as a form of art, has been practiced for centuries and has evolved with the advent of various mediums and styles. However, the permissibility of drawing in Islam is not explicitly mentioned in the Quran, which has led to varying interpretations based on hadiths (sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad) and teachings from Islamic scholars.

This article aims to delve into the topic of drawing in Islam, examining its permissibility based on the available sources, including the Quran, hadiths, and the opinions of different Islamic schools of thought. Additionally, we will explore specific aspects of drawing, such as drawing anime, faces, cartoons, eyes, humans, living things, and hands, to provide a comprehensive understanding of the subject.

Is Drawing Haram in Islam Or Halal?

The question of whether drawing is haram or halal in Islam is a nuanced one. As mentioned earlier, the Quran does not explicitly address drawing as an art form. Therefore, Islamic scholars have derived their conclusions from various hadiths and the broader principles of Islamic teachings.

The majority of Islamic scholars agree that drawing is permissible as long as it does not involve the creation of images of living beings in a way that may lead to idolatry or disrespect. This prohibition is primarily aimed at avoiding any form of shirk (associating partners with Allah) and maintaining the sanctity of monotheism in Islam. Consequently, drawing is considered haram if it involves creating images of deities, religious figures, or anything that encourages worship besides Allah.

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Quran Verse or Hadith Referring to Drawing Halal or Haram:

Although the Quran does not explicitly mention the permissibility or prohibition of drawing, several hadiths provide guidance on the matter. One such hadith narrates that the Prophet Muhammad said, “The people who will receive the severest punishment from Allah on the Day of Resurrection will be the painters of pictures.” (Sahih Bukhari)

However, it is crucial to understand the context of this hadith. Islamic scholars have interpreted this prohibition as applying to the creation of images with the intention of imitating Allah’s creation or ascribing divine attributes to those images. Therefore, drawing that seeks to replicate living beings with the intent of idolization or religious veneration is considered haram.

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Quran Verse or Hadith Referring to Drawing Halal or Haram

Is Drawing Anime Haram in Islam?

The genre of anime has gained immense popularity globally, and it often features characters with exaggerated features or supernatural elements. Regarding the permissibility of drawing anime in Islam, the general consensus among scholars is that it is permissible as long as the depiction does not cross the boundaries of modesty and does not involve any elements that contradict Islamic teachings.

Drawing anime characters that promote immoral behavior or indecency would be considered haram, as it goes against Islamic principles of modesty and ethical conduct.

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Is Drawing Faces Haram in Islam?

The issue of drawing faces in Islam is also subject to varying interpretations. While drawing faces is generally permissible, some scholars believe that drawing complete, realistic representations of human faces may lead to arrogance or an attempt to mimic Allah’s creation. As a result, they advise caution and moderation in this regard.

However, other scholars consider drawing faces, in general, to be permissible, especially for educational or artistic purposes, as long as the intention remains pure and respectful.

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Is Drawing Cartoons Haram in Islam?

Cartoons, like any other form of drawing, are permissible in Islam as long as they do not violate Islamic ethics. Depictions that involve offensive or inappropriate content, promote violence, or undermine Islamic values would be considered haram.

Islamic teachings encourage Muslims to use their creativity responsibly and in a way that promotes good moral values and positive lessons.

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Is Drawing Eyes Haram in Islam?

Drawing eyes, being a part of the human face, falls under the same considerations as drawing faces. As long as the drawing is not used inappropriately, such as for idolatry or indecent representations, it is generally considered permissible.

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Is Drawing Humans Haram in Islam?

The permissibility of drawing humans in Islam depends on the intention and manner of representation. Drawing humans for artistic, educational, or storytelling purposes is widely accepted among Islamic scholars.

However, if the intent behind drawing humans involves disrespect, immorality, or idolization, it would be considered haram.

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Is Drawing Living Things Haram in Islam?

Drawing living things, such as animals and plants, is generally permissible in Islam. Provided it does not lead to any form of worship or imitation of Allah’s creative power. Avoiding the creation of images that might be used for idolatry is a fundamental principle.

Therefore, drawings of living things for educational, scientific, or aesthetic purposes are not considered haram.

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Is Drawing Hands Haram in Islam?

The permissibility of drawing hands in Islam follows the same principles as drawing faces and humans. Drawing hands for non-religious purposes is generally allowed. But scholars advise against trying to recreate the intricacy of Allah’s creation with arrogance or the intention of competing with His design.

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Is Drawing Haram in Islam According to Primary Schools of Thought?

Below is a summary of the general views on drawing in Islam according to the four primary schools of thought:

  • Sunni: Sunni scholars generally agree that drawing in Islam is permissible as long as it does not involve creating images for religious worship or leading to actions that contradict Islamic teachings.
  • Shia: Similar to the Sunni perspective. Shia scholars also permit drawing as long as it does not promote idolatry or go against Islamic moral principles.
  • Hanafi: Hanafi scholars allow drawing, provided the artwork does not involve creating images for worship or disrespecting religious figures.
  • Shafi’i: Shafi’i scholars permit the drawing of inanimate objects, plants, and non-human creatures. However, they advise against drawing living beings, particularly humans, to avoid the risk of arrogance and the imitation of Allah’s creation.

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Q: Is drawing any image considered haram in Islam?

A: Drawing images of living beings with the intention of idolatry or religious veneration is considered haram. However, drawing non-living things or non-human creatures is generally permissible.

Q: Can Muslims draw religious figures for educational purposes?

A: Drawing religious figures for educational purposes without the intention of idolization is a topic of debate among scholars. Some permit it, while others advise caution and suggest alternatives.

Q: Are there any exceptions to the prohibition on drawing living beings in Islam?

A: Yes, there are exceptions. For instance, Islamic scholars generally permit drawing humans or animals for medical or scientific purposes. Such as educational illustrations or veterinary purposes.


The permissibility of drawing in Islam hinges on the intention and content of the artwork. While the Quran does not directly address the topic. Hadiths and the teachings of Islamic scholars provide guidance on the matter.

Drawing is generally considered halal unless it involves the creation of images for worship, idolization, or promotes immoral behavior. It is essential for Muslims to use their creativity responsibly, ensuring that their art aligns with Islamic values and principles. Drawing can be a beautiful and expressive form of art that can be used to convey positive messages and educate. But it should never cross the boundaries of modesty and ethical conduct.

While some hadiths warn against painting or drawing images that may lead to idolatry. It is essential to remember that Islam encourages believers to use their talents for constructive and beneficial purposes. Drawing can be a means of appreciating the beauty of Allah’s creation and expressing emotions. And promoting good values within the bounds of Islamic guidelines.

Understanding the nuances of what is halal (permissible) and haram (forbidden) in Islam is crucial for leading a life in accordance with Islamic teachings. If you want to deepen your knowledge of this subject. And explore more topics related to Islamic principles, visit our website. Our platform offers comprehensive and accurate information from reputable Islamic sources. Helping you gain a better understanding of the guidelines set forth by Islam.

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