Is Shrimp Halal Or Haram [Complete Guide]

Islamic dietary laws, known as halal, prescribe certain food and drink restrictions for Muslims. One commonly debated topic within the realm of halal consumption is whether shrimp is halal or haram (forbidden).

In this article, we will delve deeper into this question by examining relevant verses from the Quran and hadith, considering the opinions of different Islamic schools of thought, discussing the status of prawns, and exploring the role of certification in determining the halal status of shrimp.

Quran Verse or Hadith Referring to Shrimp Halal or Haram

The Quran addresses the topic of permissible and forbidden foods in various verses. While there is no specific mention of shrimp, several verses provide general guidelines on halal and haram items. One of these verses is found in Surah Al-Baqarah (2:168), where it is stated: “O you who have believed, eat from the good things which We have provided for you and be grateful to Allah if it is [indeed] Him that you worship.” This verse emphasizes the importance of consuming lawful and pure sustenance.

Similarly, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has provided guidance on the topic of halal and haram through his sayings, known as hadith. One such hadith in Sahih Muslim states: “The lawful is clear, and the unlawful is clear; between them are doubtful matters which many people do not know. So, he who guards against doubtful matters clears himself in regard to his religion and his honor.” This hadith encourages Muslims to avoid doubtful matters and to seek clarity in matters of halal and haram.

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Quran Verse or Hadith Referring to Shrimp Halal or Haram

Is Prawns Halal or Haram?

Prawns, which belong to the same suborder as shrimp, are often discussed in relation to the halal status of seafood. There is a consensus among scholars that prawns are permissible and halal to consume. This ruling is based on the similarity of prawns to other permissible seafood such as fish, which are mentioned as halal in the Quran.

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Is Shrimp Halal or Makrooh?

In Islamic terminology, “makrooh” refers to something that is discouraged but not sinful. The question of whether shrimp is halal or makrooh is a matter of different opinions among scholars. While some scholars deem shrimp to be makrooh due to its segmented body without a backbone, the majority considers it halal because it falls under the general category of permitted seafood.

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Is Shrimp Halal in Islam?

The general consensus among Islamic scholars is that shrimp is halal and permissible for consumption. This ruling is based on the absence of any direct prohibition in the Quran or authentic hadith specifically targeting shrimp. As long as the shrimp meets the conditions of halal slaughter and does not come into contact with any haram substances, it is considered permissible to consume.

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Is Shrimp Halal or Haram According to the Primary Schools of Thought?

The four primary schools of thought in Sunni Islam, namely Hanafi, Shafi’i, Maliki, and Hanbali, have similar opinions regarding the permissibility of shrimp. According to all four schools, shrimp is considered halal and can be consumed. Similarly, the Shia school of thought also permits the consumption of shrimp, considering it to be halal.

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The Role of Certification in Determining Shrimp’s Halal Status

In many countries, halal certification bodies play a significant role in determining the halal status of food products, including shrimp. These certifications ensure that the food is prepared, processed, and handled according to Islamic guidelines. Consumers who seek the assurance of halal certification can look for reputable certification symbols on shrimp packaging or inquire about the certification status from the supplier.


1. Can I consume shrimp if I follow a halal diet? 

Yes, shrimp is generally considered halal in Islam. However, it is advisable to ensure that the shrimp has been prepared and handled in accordance with halal guidelines.

2. Is there any evidence from the Prophet’s teachings specifically addressing the permissibility of shrimp?

 While there is no specific hadith addressing shrimp, the general principles of halal and haram, as well as the absence of a direct prohibition, indicate that shrimp is permissible.

3. Are there any conditions that make shrimp haram?

 Shrimp can become haram if it is not prepared in a halal manner or if it comes into contact with haram substances during processing or handling.


Shrimp is considered halal and permissible for consumption in Islam. Although there are different opinions and interpretations, the majority of scholars agree on its permissibility. It is important for individuals following a halal diet to ensure that the shrimp they consume meets the required halal standards.

Halal certification can provide the necessary assurance for those seeking to maintain a halal diet. By paying attention to certification labels and following the teachings of Islam regarding permissible food. Individuals can enjoy the benefits of shrimp without any hesitation or doubt.

Visit our website today to delve deeper into the world of halal and haram. And to discover a wealth of resources that will empower you to make conscious choices aligned with Islamic principles.

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