Is Parmesan Cheese Halal [With Proof]

 Parmesan cheese is a popular ingredient used in various cuisines around the world. However, for Muslims, the halal status of Parmesan cheese is a matter of concern. In this article, we will delve into the topic in detail to determine whether Parmesan cheese is halal or not.

Is Parmesan Cheese Halal?

Halal refers to what is permissible in Islamic dietary laws. To determine the halal status of Parmesasn cheese, we need to understand its manufacturing process and ingredients.

Parmesan cheese is made using rennet, an enzyme extracted from the stomach lining of young calves. Some argue that the use of animal rennet makes Parmesans cheese non-halal, while others believe it is halal due to the transformation that occurs during the cheese-making process.

For more: Is Cheddar Cheese Halal**

Quranic Ayat

In Surah Al-Baqarah (2:168) of the Quran, it is mentioned, “O people, eat from whatever is on earth [that is] lawful and good.”

For more: How Many Pages Are In The Quran

Is Parmigiano Reggiano Halal

Ingredients in Parmesan Cheese

Parmesan cheese typically contains milk, salt, rennet, and cultures. The presence of rennet raises concerns about its halal status. However, with the availability of alternatives like microbial or vegetable rennet, halal Parmesans cheese exists for those who follow Islamic dietary laws.

For more: Is American Cheese Halal

Is Parmigiano Reggiano Halal?

Parmigiano Reggiano, also known as the authentic Italian Parmesan cheese, is often considered similar to Parmesan. However, there are slight differences. The halal status of Parmigiano Reggiano is determined by the source of the rennet used in its production. If the rennet is obtained from a halal source, Parmigiano Reggiano can be considered halal.

For more: Is Mozzarella Cheese Halal

Is Kraft Parmesan Cheese Halal?

Kraft is a well-known brand offering Parmesan cheese. When determining the halal status of Kraft Parmesans cheese, it is essential to examine the ingredients listed on the packaging.

In some cases, Kraft Parmesan cheese uses microbial or vegetable rennet, making it acceptable for consumption by Muslims. However, it is recommended to stay informed about any certifications or labeling related to halal authenticity.

Which Parmesan Cheese is Halal?

Finding halal alternatives to Parmesans cheese can be a challenge. However, several brands offer Parmesans cheese that complies with halal standards. These brands often obtain certification from recognized halal authorities, ensuring the absence of non-halal ingredients. By choosing halal-certified Parmesans cheese, Muslims can enjoy this ingredient without compromising their dietary principles.

Is Parmesan Cheese Halal According to Hanafi?

Within different schools of Islamic thought, there may be varying opinions on the halal status of Parmesan cheese. According to the Hanafi School of Thought, Parmesan cheese is halal due to the significant changes the milk undergoes during the cheese-making process. This transformation is as removing the impurities, making them permissible for consumption by Muslims.

Is Parmesan Cheese Halal According to Shia?

In the Shia School of Thought, the halal status of Parmesan cheese is a topic of debate. Some argue that if the source of rennet is from halal animals, it can be halal. However, others believe that only vegetarian or microbial rennet can be halal. It is advisable for individuals following the Shia School of Thought to consult their respective scholars to determine their stance on Parmesan cheese.

Halal Alternatives to Parmesan Cheese

For Muslims seeking halal alternatives to Parmesans cheese, several options are available. Substitutes for vegetarian Parmesan cheese can include plant-based rennet or other non-dairy alternatives like nutritional yeast. These options provide similar flavors and textures while adhering to halal requirements.


Is vegetarian Parmesan cheese halal?

Yes, vegetarian Parmesan cheese from plant rennet is considered halal.

Can Parmesan cheese from microbial or vegetable rennet be considered halal?

Yes, The cheese made from microbial or vegetable rennet is halal, as it does not involve animal-derived components.

Are there any alternatives to this cheese for Muslims seeking a halal option?

Yes, there are halal alternatives available, such as cheese made from vegetable rennet, or non-dairy alternatives like nutritional yeast or plant-based cheese substitutes


The halal status of Parmesans cheese is a subject of debate among Muslims. While some argue that the use of animal rennet makes it non-halal, others believe that the transformation during the cheese-making process renders it permissible. Different schools of thought may have varying opinions on this matter.

To ensure a halal choice, it is recommend that you opt for Parmesans cheese certified by recognized halal authorities. Such cheeses go through rigorous inspections to ensure compliance with halal standards and the absence of non-halal ingredients.

In the Quran, it is emphasize to consume what is lawful and good. As Muslims, it is our responsibility to make informed choices about the food we consume and adhere to halal principles.

If you have any further questions about the halal status of Parmesans cheese, please consult scholars or relevant authorities to obtain guidance.

Please remember that you have halal alternatives available, such as vegetarian Parmesans cheese or non-dairy options. These alternatives can be use as substitutes in various recipes.

For more comprehensive and detailed information on halal and haram matters, we invite you to visit our website. Explore our articles and resources to further enhance your understanding of halal practices and discover other alternatives for halal ingredients.

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